Writing Articles on Wikipedia as a Tool for Learning and Teaching

The Wikimedia Israel non-profit association, in collaboration with the Technion’s Social Hub and the Center for Promotion of Learning and Teaching, invites lecturers from all fields of research to join the project of writing Wikipedia articles as an academic assignment.

The project’s goal: To promote the creation and distribution of free and high-quality knowledge from a variety of disciplines by contributing knowledge to Wikipedia. This initiative can be seen as a means of diversifying teaching and learning tools in academic courses, where, as part of the course assignments, students gain experience writing an entry on a topic relevant to the course and worthy of serious coverage in an encyclopedia.

Writing a Wikipedia article as one of the course assignments promotes active learning, both in the context of the course’s specific topics and in the context of general academic skills (such as finding information sources, critical reading, knowledge analysis, and more). It contributes to developing the abilities of an independent learner and 21st-century skills. The assignment also requires students to develop their writing and expression skills, since clear, concise, and accurate writing is required.

Year after year, we witness that lecturers and students participating in writing initiatives feel a great sense of satisfaction as a result of contributing high-quality and free academic content for the benefit of the general public. They undergo a meaningful and exceptional learning and teaching experience that facilitates deep knowledge acquisition and reinforcement, thanks to the writing process.

The project is open to lecturers from all fields of science, engineering, and technology, particularly the fields of biology, chemistry, and all areas of engineering and technology where there are significant gaps in the Hebrew Wikipedia.

Here are some examples of Technion activities within this project:

On 12.01.2022, an exposure meeting was held, in which several examples of possible use within courses at the Technion, were presented. Feedback from the experience of Prof. Mirav Aharon and students who participated in the course was given and a discussion took place on the possibilities of integrating the tool into your courses. You can watch the recording of the meeting at the following link: Recording of the Exposure Meeting: “Wikipedia as a Learning and Teaching Tool” .

In addition, we invite you to visit the Wikimedia in Academia website.

An article published on YNet on the subject: “Academic Assignment: Technion Students Update Scientific Articles on Wikipedia”


Dr. Olga Chuntonov, Head of the Center for Promotion of Learning and Teaching

Ronit Piso, Coordinator of the Social Hub, Technion

Dr. Keren Shatzman, Coordinator of Academia and Activities, Wikimedia Israel

Interested in learning more about the possibilities of using this tool for teaching and learning? Feel free to contact us using the following form:


Cotact Name(Required)

Course Details

Course type


A brief description of the course today / before the change

The percentage of digital learning?

Description of the planned pedagogical process for changing the course

The evaluation process should be built into the various processes of the course (for example, surveys, exams, analysis of learning analytics, interviews, etc.)
To which of the goals of digital learning as defined in the program is the proposed process expected to contribute: