Back-to-learning Workshops

Workshops for the teaching staff in preparation for returning to teaching during tense times.

As part of the preparation for returning to teaching for the winter semester of 2024 in the shadow of the “Iron Swords” conflict, the Center for Learning and Teaching invites the teaching staff to participate in workshops and discussions.

Empowerment and upgrading of teaching through technological tools

Workshop Leader: Matan Meshkit, Instructional Designer at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Date and Location: January 8, 2024, between 11:00-12:00, Room 211, Ulman Building

Target Audience: All teaching staff

Summary: An experiential and interactive workshop aimed at demonstrating various methods for conducting both small and large classes using technological tools during crises and in times of recovery. During these times, we often find ourselves teaching students whose attention spans may be shorter than usual. Brief sessions of active learning using technological tools can help us engage students and refocus their attention on learning. The workshop will focus on particularly effective methods and tools, discussing their efficacy for active learning in both calm and tense situations.

Adapting Laboratories for a Shortened Semester in the Shadow of War

Facilitators: Dr. Imad Eid, Learning Designer at the Faculty of Materials Science and Michal Bronshtain-Tuchan, Learning Designer at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering

Date and Location: January 9, 2024, between 10:00-11:00, Room 211, Ulman Building

Target Audience: Laboratory instructors

Summary: In this complex semester, it may be necessary to make adjustments and changes to teaching methods, instruction, and assessment in laboratory courses. This workshop will discuss strategies for addressing challenges and issues that may arise before and during the semester, in the context of assessment, experiment management, and preparation. We will explore possible action plans and pedagogical solutions and engage in extensive dialogue to facilitate idea sharing and peer learning.

Pedagogical Considerations in Adapting the Course Syllabus and Assessment Methods for a Shortened Semester in the Shadow of War

Facilitator: Dr. Galit Botzer, Senior Instructional Consultant at the Center for Learning and Teaching

Date and Location: January 10, 2024, between 12:00-13:00, Room 211, Ulman Building

Target Audience: Lecturers

Summary: Adjusting the syllabus and assessment methods for a shortened or changing semester can be a challenging task. In this workshop, we will present an effective action model for planning changes and adjustments in your course, through discussion and joint consideration of your courses. Additionally, we will provide guidelines for adapting continuous and formative assessment methods throughout the semester, as well as summative assessment in the form of exams or alternative evaluation methods such as projects, take-home exams, and more. We invite you to bring syllabi, exams, or other assessment tools so that we can brainstorm together on tailored solutions and action plans.

Diverse Classroom Management, Empathetic Teaching, and Close Communication in Times of Crisis

Facilitator: Asnat Berger, Head of the Learning Design Department at the Center for Learning and Teaching Promotion

Date and Location: January 10, 2024, between 13:10-14:30, Room 211, Ulman Building

Target Audience: All teaching staff

Summary: Teaching during these tense times is a complex task, both during and outside of the lesson. In this workshop, we will offer thought processes and practical models and tools to cope with dialogue that may arise during or near the lesson on tense days. Additionally, we will present a model for implementing empathetic teaching, including through close communication during the semester, to assist students in returning to continuous, meaningful, and deep learning while maintaining high standards.

Registration for Workshops

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