Support and Consultation

The Center for Promotion of Learning and Teaching is here to help you promote optimal best/efficient teaching!

Consultation and personal support

As experienced teachers, we know how complex and challenging teaching can be and as teaching consultants, we know how it can be made more meaningful, enjoyable and high quality. We follow research in the field of teaching and learning and stay updated with the methods of implementation of the research findings in higher education worldwide.

You are invited to the Center for the Promotion of Learning and Teaching, to get exposed to a professional and rich world of pedagogical and technological tools for working in the classroom and outside. The professional consulting offered by our team members is personal and individual, and is designed to help you at every step on the way to the formation of optimal teaching – from the first steps in teaching until you become experienced lecturers.

The counseling and mentoring process focuses on your needs as instructors and aims to provide suitable tools that align with your course goals and learning objectives, as well as any issue or topic that concerns you, as the teaching staff at the Technion. We work in close collaboration with you to jointly plan strategies for promoting educational excellence and innovation.

Our consultation includes:

  • Course planning, learning outcomes and your syllabus – careful planning during the course design phase, makes teaching easier and more enjoyable, and facilitates students learning.
  • Expert Teaching Support, Including Observations and Constructive Data-Based Feedback: Gathering information from classroom observations and reviewing teaching materials.
  • Addressing Teaching Management Challenges: Establishing procedures, dealing with large classroom management, hybrid learning, and more.
  • Learner-Centered Approaches to Teaching: Our approach is learner-centered; we place student learning at the center of the teaching process and assist faculty in developing course goals, assessments, and teaching activities that support and promote student learning and performance.
  • Promoting Active and Continuous Instruction – Promoting active involvement of learners in the course through discussions, problem-solving, case studies, group work, and additional methods.
  • Integrating Teaching Technologies – Effective use of educational technologies is an important component of excellence in teaching and educational innovation. We assist in integrating technologies into teaching to promote student learning and leverage additional data for continuous improvement.
  • Challenges of Online and/or Hybrid Teaching – Online and hybrid teaching are not simply replicating face-to-face learning methods on the Zoom platform. We would be happy to assist in adapting teaching methods to the chosen teaching style and help you maximize the advantages of the platform.
  • Assessment and Grading – Examining ways to evaluate and provide feedback to students with the aim of improving learning and aligning educational practices.
  • Alternative Assessment – Advising and promoting the use of alternative assessment methods (open-ended questions, projects, peer assessment), including assistance in identifying assessment criteria.
  • Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness (midterm evaluation) – Evaluation conducted during the course can provide you with personal and qualitative feedback, provide information on the effectiveness of course components, promote understanding of how to improve teaching, and create a dialogue with students.
  • Assistance in Test Construction and Grading – Advising on building a fair, valid, and reliable test, and assisting in the preparation and grading of multiple-choice tests.
  • Production of Instructional/Teaching Content – Assistance in planning and creating various types of content for synchronous and asynchronous instruction.
  • Support for Innovative Pedagogical Initiatives – We offer funding and support for the development and implementation of innovative pedagogies across the campus.

We invite you to contact us for the purpose of initiating dialogue, collaborative thinking, consultation, guidance, and support!

  • Please list the full names of additional staff members, including their roles in the course (lecturer/teaching assistant/lab instructor, etc.).