Pedagogical Initiatives – Winter 2024

Faculty members and teaching staff are invited to submit proposals for pedagogical initiatives for academic courses, which include upgrading teaching, learning, and assessment methods and tools. Proposals should include a description of the needs and required resources for implementation. The Center for Promotion of Learning and Teaching will assist in formulating the proposals and will provide pedagogical and research support for the process of the winning proposals.

The Center for Promotion of Learning and Teaching places great importance on the development and improvement of learning and teaching tools, in collaboration with the teaching staff in various faculties. The center offers assistance in upgrading existing courses or developing new ones. This assistance will be provided in the form of employment units, financial support, ongoing professional guidance and assistance from experts, in addition to the use of the center’s available infrastructure.

Pedagogical initiatives and supportive teaching activities aim to upgrade, develop, and enhance the methods of learning and teaching at the Technion. These initiatives can promote continuous learning, independent and in-depth learning, accessibility to information and knowledge, the acquisition of soft skills and 21st-century skills, and more. The development of these initiatives may incorporate various technological teaching tools, online platforms, as well as multimedia and communication tools.

Criteria for receiving support:

The proposal must meet the following minimum threshold requirements:

  • Pedagogical development and course infrastructure upgrade – Support will be provided for activities aimed at upgrading and changing the course infrastructure to meet the teaching and learning needs in the coming years.
  • Support from the Dean of the Faculty – Since this involves a significant infrastructure change, the initiative must receive support and approval from the Faculty Dean. The center will not be able to continue budgeting the activity after the semester in which the initiative was approved (i.e., the support is one-time and will not be provided in subsequent semesters).
  • The request refers to initiatives that will be implemented in the following semester or at the end of the current semester, in order to allow time for planning, preparing resources, and the implementation approach.
  • If the proposal receives support, the applicants must commit to providing progress reports to the Center for Promotion of Learning and Teaching on the implementation and resulting changes in the course, both during the process and after completion.

The Process:

1. Submission of a general description of the initiative by the head instructor (or a course team representative, along with a letter of support from the head instructor) using the form below – by 24.09.2024
2. Meeting of the head instructor with a teaching consultant for a discussion on the initiative and joint completion of the application and the Pedagogical Initiative Funding Request Form.
3. Obtaining a letter of support from the dean of the faculty.
4. Receiving an official response from the Center for Promotion of Learning and Teaching – by 10.10.2024.

Application form for Participation in the Pedagogical Initiative Program:

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Please list the full names of additional staff members, including their roles in the course (lecturer/teaching assistant/lab instructor, etc.).
Max. file size: 10 MB.
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