The Multimedia Classroom

The Multimedia Classroom of the Center for Promotion of Learning and Teaching offers an innovative learning environment that enables independent learning, collaborative inquiry-based learning in groups, as well as the transfer, presentation, and recording of information in real time. The classroom design is tailored for learner-centered instruction and allows students to benefit from learning with the aid of advanced software in various fields.

For additional information and to reserve a session in the classroom during the semester, please contact: The Multimedia Classroom.

As part of the examination of the use of the multimedia classroom and its impact on teaching and learning, surveys were conducted to assess the usage patterns in the classroom and the satisfaction levels of its users. The first survey was administered to the teaching staff who utilized the classroom, and the second to the students who studied in the classroom. Additionally, observations were made regarding the teaching methods in the classroom and the students participation during a workshop session.

The survey of the teaching staff included a small number of instructors, so significant percentage figures of responses cannot be reported; only highlights can be provided. The majority of the teaching staff who completed the survey reported that teaching in the multimedia classroom helped them greatly or to a very great extent:

– Incorporate activities during the lesson and encourage the active participation of students.
– Incorporate independent work by learners.
– Incorporate project work (individual or group).

The student survey was conducted with 27 participants. Nearly all the students reported that learning in the multimedia classroom encouraged them to participate and work in groups and increased their attention and understanding of the material studied. Additionally, although to a lesser extent, approximately 65% of the respondents reported that learning in the classroom enabled them to receive feedback from the teaching staff and work independently.