Outstanding Lecturers

Criteria for Excellence in Teaching at the Technion

  • The number of responses to the survey questionnaire must be 12 or above.
  • The percentage of respondents is above 40%.
  • The overall lecturer score is above the minimum threshold:
    A rating of 4.4 for a class with over 90 students.
    A rating of 4.6 for a class with fewer than 90 students.
  • The lecturer rating falls within the top 4% of scores (exceptional excellence) or top 12% (commendable excellence) of the category in which the course is situated:
    150 students and above, between 149 and 90 students, between 89 and 40 students, between 39 and 12 students, language and humanities courses.

A Consistently Outstanding Lecturer is one who has achieved exceptional excellence in at least 12 courses over no less than 8 different years, within a period of no more than 10 consecutive years, with an average rating of at least 4.4 during these years.

The Yannai Award for Excellence in Academic Education

The Yannai Award is granted for significant and unique contributions to the advancement of academic education for students at the Technion. The award is given as a symbol of recognition and appreciation to members of the academic staff who serve as an example through their ongoing contribution to teaching and learning, and their efforts to strengthen the involvement and sense of belonging of students at the Technion. The purpose of the award is to express the Technion’s commitment to excellence in education, both within the Technion and beyond its walls.

To visit the Award website, click here.

The Tsilag Award

Teaching associates play a central and vital role in education at the Technion. The Zelig Award for Outstanding Teaching Associates is given as a symbol of recognition and appreciation to lecturers who have excelled and distinguished themselves in their educational activities and their dedicated efforts in the field of education and teaching.

To visit the award website, click here.