Self-Recording Lightboard Studios and Filming Studios

The Center for Promotion of Learning and Teaching operates two types of filming studios (four studios in total):

Advanced video production and filming studios, located in Ullman Building

  • The studio named after Dr. Natalie Shaffer.
  • The Distance Learning Studio, named after the Polak family.

The studios enable high-quality productions and serve the Technion community in creating educational content and learning materials, as well as additional content.

Internal and external Technion bodies can rent the studios and filming services.

Self-Recording Lightboard Studios

The Center for Promotion of Learning and Teaching established two self-recording studios using Lightboard technology as part of its efforts to encourage the integration of advanced and high-quality pedagogical tools for lecturers to use.

The first room was set up in the Faculty of Medicine for the faculty’s staff and is equipped with a single Lightboard.
The second room, located in the Forchheimer Association Building (Melonit Forshheimer), is unique due to its size and the numerous opportunities it provides for filming, production, and editing of videos of varying lengths. The room is equipped with two Lihgtboards (approximately 5 meters in total), enabling continuous filming of long problem-solving sessions, extensive text writing, and filming of complex videos incorporating presentations, diagrams, and more.

The use of lightboards makes it possible to combine discussions, problem solving and application of knowledge in the lesson.

The operation of the self-recording studio: Lightboard technology is relatively innovative (invented in 2013 by Michael Peskin), and there are still not many findings about its use among higher education institutions (few studies conducted in recent years examining its potential and pedagogical effects in the field).

Several surveys conducted among students assess the contribution of this tool in learning contexts. An online survey among students about learning through videos produced through Lightboards supports the assumption that the videos are easy to watch, helpful for understanding, and contribute to the quality of learning.

Today, the Technion is the leading university institution in Israel that possesses self-recording studios and is expected to establish a research team on behalf of the Center for  Promotion of Learning and Teaching to accompany the activity and gather information about its effects on the quality and effectiveness of student learning processes.

Registration for recording sessions in the Lightboard self-studio

"*" indicates required fields


Course Details

placement preferences

Please write down which days of the week and hours you would prefer to come to the photo studio. Please note, the studio cannot be used later than 5:30 p.m
The nature of the planned teaching:*

Have you been trained by the staff of the Center for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching on using the studio in the past?*