The (PBC) Plan for Supporting Digital Learning

A Three-Year Support Program to Encourage Institutions Funded by the PBC to Establish and Build Infrastructures for the Promotion and Strategic Development of Digital Learning

At the end of 2020, the Technion was granted participation in the three-year program aimed at encouraging funded institutions by the PBC (The National Planning and Budgeting Committee) to establish and strengthen infrastructure for the advancement and strategic development of digital learning. Since then, the Center for Promotion of Learning and Teaching has been promoting digital learning infrastructures at the Technion in various ways, including the procurement of equipment and software for digital teaching and learning, upgrading courses to incorporate diverse learning technologies, and more. This activity spans across approximately 10 faculties and involves dozens of faculty members and teaching staff.

The Technion’s vision for digital learning, as defined in the proposal submitted to the PBC, is: “The Technion views digital learning as a means to promote innovation in scientific-engineering education and to enhance the learning experience of students on campus and beyond.” In light of this vision, four main objectives have been identified for digital learning:

  1.  Promotion of meaningful learning
  2.  Promotion of continuous learning
  3.  Acquisition of 21st-century skills
  4.  Providing flexibility to students in time, space and learning programs

With these objectives in mind, digital learning serves as a central tool for achieving the “Graduate Profile,” as defined by the dedicated steering committee led by the Graduate School at the Technion:

  • Graduates of the Technion will be engineers, scientists, architects, doctors, and educators who are critical and creative thinkers, possess multidisciplinary analytical skills, have the ability for self-learning, have experience conducting research and development, and have exposure to a culture of design and entrepreneurship.
  • Graduates will possess essential scientific, cognitive, social, and interpersonal skills that enable them to adapt to the changing world and advance in it, engage in professional activities such as planning, production, entrepreneurship, development, medical, educational, and academic research, and assume leadership roles in these domains.
  • Graduates will have values ​​and an understanding of the broader socio-cultural-economic context in which they operate, as well as the ability to develop their own worldview and cope with complexities and ethical questions.
  • The Technion will provide its graduates with unique added values, derived from exposure to the forefront of research and technological advancement, through direct interaction during their studies with top researchers and research conducted at the forefront of science and technology in Technion laboratories.

For additional information about the program and participation in it, feel free to contact the center’s staff:


Application form for the allocation of employment units (for use by faculty learning designers).